Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What to blog about?

Well, busy is he word, one Soccer game, and two Baseball Games Saturday, and another Baseball game Sunday. Soccer practice Monday after my workout, speedo season is coming you know, Tuesday, baseball practice after a workout. Wednesday Soccer practice, Thursday two more Soccer practices, calgon take me away. I still had time to compete in competitive lawn care though, ha,ha. Kris is busy as well with school, and then school, and all the things that go along with the end of the year. Thankfully Soccer is almost over and then it's just baseball but lots of it,
I do cherish these days though, as the boys are growing up to fast, I can't believe Austin is almost 14, and Colin is almost 10, where does time go. Oh well I need to rest so I can be ready for the rest of the week and weekend.

peace out.


Shawn Gierling said...

Speedo? Calgon? Please!

sean said...

you don't like speedo

Jeff (Big Daddy) Salyer said...

This too shall pass, believe me!