Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Keeping up

Well football season has started, and after the first half of the Miichigan game I felt like fishing, and did. Colin is playing football, and is playing catch up since he hasn't played since 2nd grade.
I think he makes progress every practice, and has good instincts, he'll be ok by the end of this year and beginning of next year. Austin is making an extreme effort in school starting off the year, we've made a deal that if he keeps straight A's, we would get a dog. He's also gearing up for hunting season and I need to find a place where he can hunt. Anyway heres hoping the Bengals have a good season, I feel like princess leia in star wars, help me Carson Palmer your my only hope.

peace out, Sean

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More stuff

Well football season has started and let the games begin, go penguins. School started and our lives continue to be busy, Kris is still healing and teaching jr's and sr's for the time being so she is pulling her hair out, then again around 45 teenage girls will do that.

God Bless, peace out

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

can't be last

Busy with football, had a great to Michigan with my boy's, caught lots of fish. Played two very nice golf courses, great views, well maintained, and public, would love to take a group of guys up next spring, or this fall. Kris started school with her new students, please pray for her as she is still recovering from surgery, and won't obey doctors orders.

peace out, Sean

Monday, July 7, 2008

Long time no blog!

Well it has been a busy summer, between fishing, baseball, and golf. . Colin made the 9 yr old allstar team, so baseball lingers on, but he is getting some good coaching, especially when it comes to pitching, something I never did. Colin and I have also been doing some golfing together, he is fairly natural at it, so it's fun, even if sometimes his scorekeeping gets a little imaginative. I am looking forward to taking a fishing trip with the boys, up to the greatest state in the nation Michigan. It will be a nice chance for just the guys to be together, I pray it's a trip we will remember for a long time. Heres praying things are going well for any who stumble upon this blog.

Peace out homies

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What to blog about?

Well, busy is he word, one Soccer game, and two Baseball Games Saturday, and another Baseball game Sunday. Soccer practice Monday after my workout, speedo season is coming you know, Tuesday, baseball practice after a workout. Wednesday Soccer practice, Thursday two more Soccer practices, calgon take me away. I still had time to compete in competitive lawn care though, ha,ha. Kris is busy as well with school, and then school, and all the things that go along with the end of the year. Thankfully Soccer is almost over and then it's just baseball but lots of it,
I do cherish these days though, as the boys are growing up to fast, I can't believe Austin is almost 14, and Colin is almost 10, where does time go. Oh well I need to rest so I can be ready for the rest of the week and weekend.

peace out.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring finally sprung.

I am so glad for warmer weather even if just for a few days. The first week of soccer was freezing, and baseball has been so cold we have only hit once. Both boys are playing soccer,
and Colin is playing soccer, and baseball, busy, busy, busy, but it keeps me out of the trouble, and off the couch. Fishing season is also upon us, and the boys have already been out several times, and yep the drag me with them. It's ok though, there is something very peaceful about being out away from it all just sitting there relaxing. Nothing much has been biting, at least my line, Austin has caught plenty already. With warmer weather comes one of my favorite sports,
competitive lawn mowing, Ha,Ha, I mean golf , can't wait to hit the links. Alot of my friends have new clubs now I just need to buy them some talent, again Ha,Ha just kidding I love getting out with my Church friends. I am excited about the change on Wednesday nights. Our Church has been to this point three times since I have been a member, the point where we are doing well,
and we decide to relax, it's time to take it to the next level. Let's get busy for God and be obedient to what he wants, not what we want.

Peace out!

Spring finally sprung.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Well what a great time of year fantersprummer all of the seasons all rolled into one, basketball,
is over and now it's soccer/baseball. Don't get me wrong I love my kids being involved, it's just alot of time and running. Then I think I better enjoy it while it lasts, kids grow up so fast. Looking forward to Golf starting soon, one of my favorite things to do with my friends. Hopefully we can have a couple of outings for the Church. It will be hard, as people will have to pay up front this time, because of the no shows last summer. However I think it will be a different story this time after all our yes is supposed to be yes, something even I need to work on sometimes.
If we aren't different, how will the world know we are.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


It's over finally, upwards that is, not that I don't enjoy upwards I love it. It is a few weeks off though, before soccer/baseball. Awards night tommorow night if you want to help, show up,
I am sure there is something to do. Both boys teams went undefeated, they had good teams and good coaches. It really isn't just about that but that is a fringe benefit. If you see Mark Kifer
thank him for the way he ran the courts at Heath, lots of imagination during the introductions,
on time games, great organization and passion about the program. Well my blushing Bride joined me in the forties, I am so Glad God blessed me with such a wonderful wife. Our missionaries to Kenya came home and have given great news about what God did while they were there, may God bless them for thier obedience, and sacrifice.

Peace out

Monday, February 18, 2008

One week to go!

Well the upwards season is coming to an end, seems like it just started, other than all the running. Must have something to do with not having anything to be ashamed of, you know like being thrown out of an upwards game. Both boys have had successful seasons, good coaches and good teammates. I have had a lot of fun working with Mark Kifer, his passion energized me, and I am sure others also. I pray that more men will get involved as refs, and coaches, from our Church, each coach, and ref, should be a Christian, IMO. I also pray that God will open doors for people to be led to Christ through this program. Pray for those who will help in the awards ceremony, and we could still use more help, if you read this please consider.

The Kenya team is on the way home, Pray for thier safety. I look forward with great inticipation to what they have to share. Many have come to know Christ according to the E-mails, and blogs I have read. The teams obedience has been rewarded, we should not be suprised. God is Good all the time, all the time God is Good. Praise his name today!!!!!!

Peace out

Monday, February 11, 2008


6 games into the upward season, and I still have kept my composure, and you know, it is a God thing. You see, I pray that I will not blow my witness, and God who is always faithful has helped me. It hasn't been easy I am still a very competitive person, but I am getting better in that respect also, thank you God for your patience. I have been very excited to here that things in Kenya have been going so well, so many salvations, praise God, for he is worthy to be praised. It is nice to see how faithful God is when we are obedient. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that God will continue to reveal himself. Colin just came upstairs and handed me this,
God loves you and gave his sons life for you, and only a true friend hero and Dad would do that for you. So remember trust in the Lord with all your heart, and know that he is the son of God, and will never leave your side. So peeps what did we learn today? If you can't remember just look at the last two paragraphs I made for you, and really know that it is true. God really loves you or else you probably be the devils bounty hunter like in Ghost Rider. Out of the mouths of babes.

peace out

Monday, January 21, 2008

Upwards and Stuff

First, let me just praise God for helping me get control over my overcompetitivness, three games and no yelling at refs, wooooooooooh! As you can tell upwards has started, all seems to be going well, well we could use a few more volunteers on saturdays to ref. It is such a great outreach to the community, Mark Kifer is doing a great job of organizing things, what a blessing it is to have him. Things at home are busy with Kris going to school again, it is hard to balance everything, with both boys having practice on the night she go's to school it is hard to help keep things afloat at home. Kris will be 40 on february 22nd so make sure you remind her, fianally my honey joins mein the 40's club, she and Michael George both, make sure to mention that to Michael also. I really feel blessed to be a part of our church, Great staff, great lay people, great friends. peace out.